
Our membership year starts in November. The membership fee for 2023-24 is £15.00, made up of £11.00 subscription to Arnold u3a and £4.00 to the Third Age Trust. If you join on or after 1 May the membership fee for the remainder of the year is £9.00 and from 1 August it’s £6.00.

If you are a member of any other u3a, to which you have paid a FULL subscription, you can become an Associate member of Arnold u3a for £11.00.

It would be lovely to see a further influx of new members! You are all very welcome. 

Sprinters Premier Steakhouse. Arnold. Nov 2020

We have meetings for new/prospective members’ who wish to know more about Arnold u3a. They are held at the Sprinters Steak Bar , High Steet at 11.00 on the third Friday of each month. (Existing members also welcome.) . If you want to know more, please get in touch with Pat Jackson. See the ‘Contact Us‘ page.

Our membership secretary is Cathy van Baalen.  Please contact Cathy only about membership. Her phone number is 07952 547628 and her email address is

TO JOIN , please either download a printable new membership subscription form here which you can print, complete and return  to Cathy OR download an online form here which you can fill in on your computer and email to the above address.

TO RENEW your subscription, get a printable renewal form here. which you can print, complete and return to Cathy OR submit an online form here which you can fill in on your computer and email to the above address.

TO PAY – You can send a cheque made payable to ‘Arnold u3a’ or pay by Bank Transfer (details are on the form). You can also pay by PayPal in the Members Portal here. (You don’t need a PayPal account to do this, just a debit or credit card but please make sure if you are renewing, you should do this after 1st Nov.)

If you are renewing after a lapse of a year or more, please contact Cathy.

Learning and fun for people no longer in full-time work