New Membership Form


    First Name.


    Address line 1

    Address line 2

    Address (City)


    Home phone...


    email address.....

    Membership Subscriptions
    Arnoldu3a member Full Nov.- £15, Partial- March £9, August- £6
    Associate member Full-Nov.- £11, Partial- March £5, August- £2

    If a member of another u3a and paying full fee to them,
    then please enter the name of the u3a and your membership number

    Ways to pay

    If paying by cheque please send it to John Gardner, Membership Secretary, 9 Dalbeattie Close, Arnold, NG5 8QX

    Bank Transfer Information:-

    Arnold Univ of Third Age fee acct 08-92-99 67223118

    I consent to my data being used for Arnold u3a membership purposes only -

    We sometimes take photos or Videos of our activities. Please indicate if photos/videos of you may be published for promotional purposes -

    I wish to receive the free Third Age Trust magazine -

    Charity Gift Aid Declaration

    If you pay income or capital gains tax we can claim Gift Aid back from the Government so we would appreciate it if you would complete the below statement.

    I would like Arnold u3a to reclaim the tax on any donations or membership subscriptions I make to them.
    I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and pay tax at least equal to the tax to be reclaimed.

    Learning and fun for people no longer in full-time work